EuroLinux 8 EuroLinux 9
Purpose server, workstation, desktop
Latest version 8.10 9.4
Compatible with Scientific Linux
Compatible with CentOS
Compatible with RHEL
Compatible with Oracle Linux
Compatible with Rocky Linux
Compatible with AlmaLinux
Architecture i686
Architecture x86_64
Architecture aarch64 (ARM64)
Gnome Desktop Environment
KDE Desktop Environment
Office suite
Packages RPM
Package management yum, dnf
Flatpak compatibility
Default filesystem xfs
Installator Anakonda
System init systemd
Kernel 4.18 5.14
Bash 4.4 5.1.8
Glibc 2.282.34
Compiler GCC
Open buildroot
Vault (1)
Batteries repository (2)
Ability to rebuild (3)


(1) Vault is available at the URL

(2) Batteries repository contains the packages necessary for a complete rebuild of the distribution, while not being part of it. These are packages maintained by the EuroLinux company.

(3) The clients who have a Golden Key subscription and EuroLinux Gaia have the ability to create their own distributions as the forks of EuroLinux.

Releases and Lifecycle

Release End of Life
EuroLinux 9 2032-06-20
EuroLinux 8 2029-06-30
EuroLinux 7 2024-06-30

Minimum Hardware Requirements

CPU Intel x86_64, AMD, ARM
RAM 4GB (1.5GB per CPU recommended)
Disk 10 GB (20GB recommended)

Public Resources

Quick Start
Migration scripts

Important Informations

Hardware certifications

EuroLinux is hardware-compatible with any device certified for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® and Oracle® Linux. The list of certified hardware for EuroLinux is therefore the same as that published by the manufacturers of these systems.


EuroLinux supports the following virtualization platforms: VMware, Microsoft® Hyper-V, Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization, Oracle® VirtualBox, XEN, KVM. EuroLinux can also be installed in all popular cloud and hybrid solutions.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

One of the components of the EuroLinux operating system is the JVM. By installing any of the certified Java™ virtual machines e.g. OpenJDK (available in EuroLinux by default).