EuroLinux 8 stable release

EuroLinux 8.3 available – ground-breaking changes to the business model

On June 24th, 2021, we released the production version of EuroLinux 8.3 operating system. This is an important step in the development of our company’s offer, because for the first time, in addition to the current commercial Open Source model, we have also made the EuroLinux system available for free in the Open Core model. Version 8.3 is based directly on the Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® source code, which ensures compatibility with this system.

On June 24th, 2021, we released the production version of EuroLinux 8.3 operating system. This is an important step in the development of our company’s offer, because for the first time, in addition to the current commercial Open Source model, we have also made the EuroLinux system available for free in the Open Core model. Version 8.3 is based directly on the Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® source code, which ensures compatibility with this system.

EuroLinux 8.3 introduces a number of significant improvements over version 7. We have added new, key functionalities (such as the module streams) and distinguishing features in the form of the possibility of rebuilding the system from sources, or 1 to 1 compatibility with the RPM packages of the RHEL® system.

EuroLinux technological advantages and distinguishing features

Open Core

We have modernized our software sharing model. From version 8.3, EuroLinux is available both as a paid subscription and for free in the Open Core model. The advantage of such a solution is to deliver as much value as possible to users and communities. It is a modern, transparent and responsible business model.

From version 8.3, every user of EuroLinux and EuroLinux containers receives full system with updates released at the same time for both, paid and free users.

The paid version of the system additionally provides:

  • direct manufacturer support
  • access to errata files
  • access to additional intermediate packages (if the support service so requires)
  • impact on product development.

Complete stack – all system versions

EuroLinux is available and supported in versions 8.x, 7.x and 6.x. As a result, it can be used as the only system in the organisation’s ecosystem.

The latest supported versions of EuroLinux are:

  • 8.3 fully supported system
  • 7.9 fully supported system
  • 6.10 the system is supported by EuroES (Extended Support – individual subscription).

Authorized training

The software, like any tool, is of little use without people who know how to use it properly. That is why we also offer authorised training in the administration of Enterprise Linux systems at various levels of advancement:

  • Enterprise Linux System Administration I
  • Enterprise Linux System Administration II.

In 2021, we have planned to provide two more training courses:

  • Enterprise Linux Real Engineer
  • Enterprise Linux Ansible Engineer.

The first focuses on configuring multiple system services. After its completion, the participants will be able to find themselves in a modern environment, where many services, often closed in microservices or containers, must cooperate seamlessly together. The issues of troubleshoot and debugging, valuable from the point of view of expert knowledge, will also be discussed. This is an updated version of the Enterprise Linux 7 training. The other training is devoted to automation in Linux using Ansible technology. It is recommended, among others, for EuroTower or Ansible Tower users.


In addition to delivering our own products, we also provide professional technical support. Its distinguishing feature is the simplified procedure in the first-line support, allowing for quick contact with specialists (engineers and architects) of the second- and third-line support. In addition, we offer dedicated professional services for the client, services in the field of capacity planning, audit services, migration assistance, tuning database systems, system architect support, as well as proactive continuous care.


We provide our clients with repositories containing, in addition to packages, information about errata, i.e. security patches, increasing the capabilities of a given software package or fixing errors.

Additional modules (Add-Ons) included in the system price

EuroLinux is a complete solution with standard modules that are available in other distributions for an additional fee. They extend the functionality of the system and increase its technical value. Among them are Load Balancing, High Availability and Resilient Storage.

Full software version compatibility

EuroLinux is the only modular distribution on the market whose RPM packages are 1 to 1 compatible with RHEL® releases. This required the development and implementation of a build system that allows for local and repetitive compilation of packages.

Below is an example summary for the modular nginx package:

System Package name Package version Release
RHEL® nginx 1.14.1 9.module+el8.0.0+4108+af250afe
EuroLinux nginx 1.14.1 9.module+el8.0.0+4108+af250afe
Oracle® Linux nginx 1.14.1 9.0.1.module+el8.0.0+5347+9282027e

The topic of building modular packages, building a build system from scratch and an attack-resistant operating system for the software supply chain will be described in detail after the release of EuroLinux version 8.4.

Golden Key

We support customers who decide to purchase subscriptions for a large number of machines. Therefore, the unit price not only decreases with the quantity, but also from a certain level we offer a Golden Key subscription. It allows the organisation to use the software without quantitative limits.

EuroLinux Beast – build your Linux

The proprietary EuroLinux Beast tool introduces a new ground-breaking functionality for organisations. It is the ability to independently build (compile) the operating system from source files in the customer’s own infrastructure. This is the highest possible level of system delivery and support. It guarantees the maximum level of security (trust) and enables customisation of the product. It also enables creation of your own dedicated distribution (fork).

As part of the solution, the client receives:

  • EuroLinux Beast build system
  • software comparison system with test oracle
  • Battery Repositories, i.e. packages not included in the distribution, necessary to build it
  • internal EuroLinux Beast documentation for building the system
  • direct support (on-site, telephone, e-mail) of a EuroLinux building automation engineer
  • Golden Key subscription.

Updates for CentOS after 2021

EuroLinux is also a recommended alternative to CentOS, which will cease to receive stable updates at the end of 2021 and will become an experimental distribution. As CentOS is part of the Enterprise Linux family, it can use stable updates from EuroLinux. This process is completely safe, reversible and does not require reinstallation of the system. This makes it possible to extend the CentOS life cycle until 06/30/2029. Therefore, companies are increasingly choosing EuroLinux support, especially for environments with large numbers of systems. We have prepared a special support offer for such organisations.

EuroLinux Roadmap

The development map of EuroLinux in graphical form is as follows:

diagram roadmap eurolinux

Release Notes

EuroLinux 8.3 introduces a number of package version updates. Important changes to the system are shown in the Release Notes summary:

Installation media

We offer two versions of the system: Minimal and Appstream:

  • Minimal contains basic functionalities and is built exclusively from packages located in the BaseOS repository
  • Appstream uses all available packages from the BaseOS, Appstream and PowerTools repositories.

ISO validation

After downloading the ISO file, check the images using the sha1sum command. The corresponding checksums are in the sha1sums.txt text file located in the ISO images directory.

File name sha1
EL-8.3-x86_64-20210624-appstream.iso 6a8abaaebe288553ec8568bd9de3f5fda5f1ddb5
EL-8.3-x86_64-20210624-minimal.iso e8638903ada395decb2083be46f1f620ee3f6e32


    The system is installed without the need to add external sources. It allows you to select various groups and environments with predefined lists of programs and systems that will be installed.

    EuroLinux ISO, container and cloud images

    EuroLinux is available as:

    ISO images
    Vagrant images
    Dockerhub container images container images

    Known Limitations

    • ISO minimal is recommended for installing a minimum version of the system.
    • In some cases, EuroLinux 8.3 may incorrectly report to cloud init. Full support will be implemented in version 8.4.
    • Currently, EuroLinux does not support the secure boot and SCAP mechanisms. They will be fully supported from version 8.4.

    Where to report comments and errors?

    Customers and users can submit their comments using standard channels:

    Comments and errors can also be reported in the public GitHub repository in the tab: Issues -> New issue -> Bug Report:

    EuroLinux Distro Bug Report and RFC repository

    Where to submit ideas?

    Ideas for distribution improvements can be reported in the public repository on GitHub in the tab: Issues -> New issue -> Package/Feature Request:

    EuroLinux Distro Bug Report and RFC repository


    The blog articles are written by people from the EuroLinux team. We owe 80% of the content to our developers, the rest is prepared by the sales or marketing department. We make every effort to ensure that the content is the best in terms of content and language, but we are not infallible. If you see anything that needs to be corrected or clarified, we'd love to hear from you.